The new year represents fresh beginnings, bright futures, and radiant renewals. Can the same be said for your skin?
If a glowing complexion is what you’re after, it might be time to add some skincare dos and don'ts to your New Year’s Resolutions.
To help you out, we’ve put together a list of must-try skincare resolutions. Pick one, a few, or all of them, and watch how they transform your routine—and your skin!
1. “I will stop touching my face throughout the day.”
Whether you’re picking at a pimple or just resting your face on your palm, you’re actually creating a perfect storm for breakouts to form.
When you touch your face with your hands, any bacteria, dirt, or oils from your fingers will transfer straight to your skin. Currently dealing with acne? Touching your face can transfer that bacteria, making already existing acne worse.
The first step is to be aware of it – so you can actively stop throughout the day. You can also consider asking your friends and family to watch out for this habit, so they can gently call you out.
2. “I promise to take off my makeup before bed.”
After a long day, it’s not uncommon for some people to totally zonk out before they’ve taken off their makeup. Meanwhile, some people just never build the habit of cleansing every single night.
But here’s the thing: your skin goes through an important, natural regeneration and repair process at night. Makeup impedes your skin from going through the process properly, leading to clogged pores and dullness over time. Not to mention – the dirt, grime, and pollution from the day goes to bed with you, leading to breakouts and irritated skin in the morning.
This year, take that extra time to get into your PJs, brush your teeth, and do your full skincare regimen every single night before resting your head on your pillow. Your skin will thank you for it!

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3. “I commit to red light therapy every other day.”
If better skin is on your wish list for 2025, then we bet red light therapy is already on your radar. Whether you own a red light therapy mask or you’re hoping to upgrade your routine with clinical-level results, this is one skincare resolution that’s quite easy to stick to.
Every day is best, but we get that life gets in the way. Find a happy medium and commit to a little date between you and your red light therapy mask every other day. All you need is three minutes a day to see results. Even better? The Q-Rejuvalight Pro mobile app planner has phone reminders so you never miss a treatment.
4. “I can stay dedicated to applying & reapplying sunscreen.”
Are you the type to only use sunscreen while at the beach? Or maybe you apply it at random times because you know it's good for you… but you can’t seem to stick with it? We get it – forming good habits can be hard!
Luckily, simple habits have been cited to only take around 21 days to form. While the exact number varies depending on the habit, we’re willing to bet that within one month of applying every day, it’ll come as second nature to you.
Try “habit stacking” – the art of adding one new habit onto an old one. For example, every day you put on moisturizer. “Stack” your sunscreen habit right after that. Want to get better at reapplying? “Stack” it onto getting into the car on your way home from work. Get in, buckle up, spritz some sunscreen, and go!
5. “I deserve a skin ritual every month.”
Once a month – ideally twice a month – you should carve time out of your schedule to give your skin the full treatment. You probably already know this, but it can feel so easy to put our needs on the backburner.
Adding something like a Micro-Infusion Facial System can give targeted, glowing results with very little time commitment needed every month.
6. “I will add exfoliation to my routine.”
Adding an exfoliator to your routine is the perfect teammate to your daily skincare routine – and a wonderful skincare resolution. Why’s that? Because many people skip this step, opting to focus on cleansers and moisturizers.
However, having an extra step that you do once or twice a week really goes a long way. Weekly exfoliation is crucial for sloughing off dead skin cells and revealing a more youthful complexion underneath.

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Join Our VIP Community7. “I embrace make-up free days so I let myself shine!”
The final resolution on this list isn’t about rituals or products at all. It’s about letting all that work you put into your skin finally take center stage. Give it a go with one make-up free day a week – or try a month straight of make-up free days!
Some people prefer to pop on undereye patches to reduce dark circles or opt for a subtle glow on their cheeks – baby steps into the no make-up world. Others may throw caution to the wind and ditch everything!
It’s up to you to find what makes you feel both comfortable and confident. Either way, we salute you!