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The Dirty Truth: 6 Everyday Habits that Are Causing Breakouts

Written by Our Editorial Team

The Dirty Truth: 6 Everyday Habits that Are Causing Breakouts

Written by Our Editorial Team

Are you following all the right skincare steps, only to be plagued by congested pores and breakouts with no known origins? Even if you use top-tier products and powerhouse ingredients, some everyday habits could be secretly sabotaging your skin.

So if you’re tired of clogged skin putting a damper on your day, it’s time to take a closer look at the sneaky skincare mistakes you might not even realize you’re making.

Touching Your Face Throughout the Day

From kitchen countertops to gym equipment to public door handles, your hands come into contact with thousands of germs every single day. In fact, studies show they carry an average of 3,200 different bacteria at any given time! And the fastest way to transfer all that grime? Touching your face. Not only can this spread germs that lead to colds, but it could also be the culprit behind those stubborn breakouts.

If you tend to rest your chin in your hand while working or frequently touch your face without thinking, you’re not alone—one study found that students did so an average of 23 times per hour. The best way to break the cycle? Be mindful of how often your hands meet your skin, and wash up frequently. The CDC recommends scrubbing with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds.

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Not Cleaning Your Makeup Brushes

Whether you’re a daily makeup wearer or someone who only uses it for special occasions, chances are, you’ve gone a little too long without cleaning them. But if you deal with clogged pores and dull skin, those brushes may be to blame. One study found that 70-90% of makeup brushes were contaminated with bacteria. This means that every time you apply makeup, you could be sweeping dirt, oil, and germs right back onto your face.

For clearer skin, be sure to wash your brushes more regularly. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends cleaning those brushes every seven to 10 days. Simply use a combination of warm water and a gentle shampoo or clarifying shampoo. Rinse, and dry with a paper towel – voila.

Taking Your Phone into the Bathroom

We tend to bring our phones everywhere—bathrooms, public transport, restaurants—picking up bacteria from every surface along the way. So here’s the dirty truth: studies have shown that cell phones can harbor more bacteria than toilet seats. In fact, one study from the University of Arizona found that cell phones harbor about 10 times more bacteria.

Three in four Americans confess to using their phone on the toilet, so it seems most of us are guilty of this. The solution is simple – keep your cell out of the washroom. Even better? Disinfect it frequently using antibacterial wipes or antibacterial spray.

Going to Bed Without Removing Your Makeup

Skipping your nightly cleanse is not uncommon. However, that leftover dirt, oil, and dead skin cells don’t just disappear—they sit on your skin, clogging pores and triggering inflammation. But it doesn’t stop there. Everything on your face transfers onto your pillowcase, which can quickly become a breeding ground for:

  • Oil, dirt, and sweat from your hair
  • Oil, dirt, sweat, skin cells, and bacteria from your face and body
  • Allergens like pollen if you’re not a nighttime showerer
  • Allergens, dust mites, dander, and more if you share a bed with a pet

In this case, the solution is two-fold:

  • Change your pillowcases once a week, using the hottest setting you can to kill microbes and allergens.
  • Build out a PM skincare routine that you can commit to every single night.

When your bed and bedtime routine is a little oasis, you’ll have a better time enjoying your routine and sticking to it.

Using Unfiltered Water

You wouldn’t drink unfiltered tap water at home or in restaurants—so why use it on your face? Most people don’t think twice about washing with unfiltered water, but the truth is, it can have just as much impact on your skin.Research has shown tap water is contaminated with over 320* chemicals that your skin is absorbing daily. These micro-contaminants, such as chlorine and calcium, in water can clog pores, dry out and irritate sensitive skin.

Research has shown tap water is contaminated with over 320* chemicals that your skin is absorbing daily. These micro-contaminants, such as chlorine and calcium, in water can clog pores, dry out and irritate sensitive skin.

Using a faucet filter and a shower filter can help keep your skin clear, balanced, and healthy without adding any extra steps into your routine.

Reusing Dirty Washcloths

You might have a favorite towel for drying your face after your cleansing routine—but if you’re using it day after day without washing, you’re basically pressing millions of bacteria right back onto your skin. Damp, dirty towels create the perfect breeding ground for germs, and according to The Journal of Applied Microbiology, some bacteria can double in as little as 20 minutes.

The solution is simple. Keep a stack of fresh face cloths and towels for washing your skin. Pat your skin dry with a clean towel each time

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The Clear Path to Healthy Skin

When it comes to clear, glowing skin, what you don’t do is just as important as what you do. Avoid these common skincare missteps and adopt smart habits that help your skin thrive - no extra skincare ingredients needed.

Small yet effective changes—like washing pillowcases regularly, using filtered water, and a routine nightly cleanse—can make a big difference over time.

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